Start Date:
Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$raid_start_date_formatted in /var/www/pocketmortys/components/com_pocketmortys/tmpl/raid/default.php on line 433
End Date:
Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$raid_end_date_formatted in /var/www/pocketmortys/components/com_pocketmortys/tmpl/raid/default.php on line 437
Threat Level: Level 1Flaccid
Start Date:
Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$raid_start_date_formatted in /var/www/pocketmortys/components/com_pocketmortys/tmpl/raid/default.php on line 433
End Date:
Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$raid_end_date_formatted in /var/www/pocketmortys/components/com_pocketmortys/tmpl/raid/default.php on line 437
Threat Level: Level 4Mild Peril
Start Date:
Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$raid_start_date_formatted in /var/www/pocketmortys/components/com_pocketmortys/tmpl/raid/default.php on line 433
End Date:
Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$raid_end_date_formatted in /var/www/pocketmortys/components/com_pocketmortys/tmpl/raid/default.php on line 437
Threat Level: Level 7PANIC!
Enraged at Hepatitis A's escape, this monstrosity lashes out at those around it, often hurting those it loves the most... if such a beast can feel love.


Name Type Power Accuracy AP
Chronic Fatigue Normal75%100%32000
Abdominal Pain Scissors85%85%32000
Occult Infection Normal85%85%32000
Cirrhosis Normal100%75%32000
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Reward Tiers

Tier Rank Rewards
44 - 10
511 - 100
Club Rick Credits x2, Hobo Santa Morty, Flurbos x2950, Morty Manipulator Chip
6101 - 200
Club Rick Credits x1, Flurbos x2550, Morty Manipulator Chip
7201 - 300
Flurbos x2250, Morty Manipulator Chip
8301 - 500
Flurbos x1950, Morty Manipulator Chip
9501 - 750
Flurbos x1700, Morty Manipulator Chip
10751 - 1000
Flurbos x1500, Morty Manipulator Chip
Loading table, please wait...

Note: Ranks are not global (worldwide), but instead split into smaller pools of users.
E.g. there will be many "rank 1" users around the world each raid event.


Want to know more about how Raids work? Check out our Pocket Mortys Raid Guide.

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This Morty is kinda dumb when you realize Jerry’s Game isn’t available for download anymore lol
I’ve played it before a long time ago. It’s kinda lame tbh, and I uninstalled it. I played Pocket Mortys instead.
not to come across as an ass or anything but, the entire point of the game was that it's mind-numbingly dumb and that's why Jerry was playing it, it was meant to be bad, something only children would enjoy lol
Yea but still admire how trash it was 1 it had Jerry no offense but it also made me feel like Jerry its 1 of those games you play when u have no internet
It’s one of those games you’d enjoy when you have no internet though,
That's what I said.....
I know lol :”)
True but it still reminds people it was a game
play ricks game
Stupid question: Do you actually need to have Jerry's Game installed, in order to get this Morty?
It’s catchable on plumbo prime
Yea it was also a real game back a few years ago if u didn't know and yes I know this was 2 months ago
There is no Jerry’s game lol, it’s just that game he plays on his tablet, ion remember the episode, ig it was when bp died
But this Morty spawn in wild!
not as cool as the REAL Jerry's game
Iv'e used him in the Morty games but he's not as cool as the REAL Jerry's game