Multiplayer Dimensions in Pocket Mortys

Updated to Game Version 2.38.0, Asset Version 539 (March 23rd, 2025).

There are currently 5 dimensions available to explore in the Multiplayer version of Pocket Mortys. They are Mortyland (Dimension 1), Plumbubo Prime 51b (Dimension 2), Mortopia (Dimension 3), GF Mortanic (Dimension 4), and Anime Dimension (Dimension 5). Each dimension has different Mortys available to capture.

Rarity Mortys
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Total Rock
Total Paper
Total Scissors
Total Normal
Plumbubo Prime 51b
Rarity Mortys
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Total Rock
Total Paper
Total Scissors
Total Normal
Rarity Mortys
Loading table, please wait...
Total Rock
Total Paper
Total Scissors
Total Normal
GF Mortanic
Rarity Mortys
Loading table, please wait...
Total Rock
Total Paper
Total Scissors
Total Normal
Anime Dimension
Rarity Mortys
Loading table, please wait...
Total Rock
Total Paper
Total Scissors
Total Normal
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i was just looking for Motricia but im plumbubo prime 51b dimension :/
Looks like the pale Morty is not here :((( he is the best debuffer ever I want to see him at least in multiplayer Mortydex (Pokédex).Just pray to find him. Only small spender can have him :((
I just got dragon rider Morty in Mortopia not mortyland
I wish that ASG to make a new dimension (5th).
Is it true that Egg Morty can be found in the wild?
Yep! Was playing for 3 hours yesterday and found 2 Egg Morty's at Mortyland.
Apparently you can find them in every dimension, but I've had the best luck in Mortyland.
Is it really true that you can find regular morty in Mortopia?

Quoting TTTrinLson:

Is it really true that you can find regular morty in Mortopia?

NO you can't
Yes you can. I find regular Morty in Mortopia on a regular basis.

Quoting TTTrinLson:

Is it really true that you can find regular morty in Mortopia?

Yes, it is, as I saw one and caught one, but it's super rare.
Where are all the test X1s at?? Can't find them anywhere.

Quoting TTTrinLson:

Where are all the test X1s at?? Can't find them anywhere.

Mortopia (you can use the search box in the upper right to search specific mortys, I just typed in "test" and it filtered it)
The photos of Plumbubo and Mortopia are swapped.

Quoting AllAloneIsAllWeAre:

The photos of Plumbubo and Mortopia are swapped.

Fixed, thanks!
we need more dimensions
We need a dog dimension