All Raids in Pocket Mortys

Updated to Game Version 2.38.0, Asset Version 539 (March 23rd, 2025).

Want to know more about how Raids work? Check out our Pocket Mortys Raid Guide.

There are currently 17 raid boss threat levels:

  1. 軟弱無力
  2. 輕描淡寫
  3. 滑稽可笑
  4. 輕度威脅
  5. 嗆辣威脅!
  6. 瘋狂威脅!
  7. 慌張!
  8. 必死
  9. 致命
  10. 痛不欲生
  11. 失去希望
  12. 荒謬可笑
  13. 難以想像
  14. 困難
  15. 非常難
  16. 超難
  17. 極難

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