Start Date:
Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$raid_start_date_formatted in /var/www/pocketmortys/components/com_pocketmortys/tmpl/raid/default.php on line 433
End Date:
Warning: Undefined property: stdClass::$raid_end_date_formatted in /var/www/pocketmortys/components/com_pocketmortys/tmpl/raid/default.php on line 437
Threat Level: Level 17Extreme
This beast is literally fuming with harmful chemicals. [ad]


Name Type Power Accuracy AP
Acrolein-erator Normal100%100%32000
Carcino Crunch Paper100%100%32000
Chemical Spill Normal100%100%32000
Irreversible Harm Normal100%100%32000
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Reward Tiers

Tier Rank Rewards
44 - 10
511 - 100
Club Rick Credits x2, Evil Morty, Flurbos x2950, Morty Manipulator Chip
6101 - 200
Club Rick Credits x1, Flurbos x2550, Morty Manipulator Chip
7201 - 300
Flurbos x2250, Morty Manipulator Chip
8301 - 500
Flurbos x1950, Morty Manipulator Chip
9501 - 750
Flurbos x1700, Morty Manipulator Chip
10751 - 1000
Flurbos x1500, Morty Manipulator Chip
Loading table, please wait...

Note: Ranks are not global (worldwide), but instead split into smaller pools of users.
E.g. there will be many "rank 1" users around the world each raid event.


Want to know more about how Raids work? Check out our Pocket Mortys Raid Guide.

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Willing to trade this Morty (level 5) for Egg Morty. PM if interested.
Anyone want to trade a lvl 5 prancer for a krampus?
Ign is my username
This was my first morty out of the prize machine pretty lucky if you ask me
I have this morty. Is anyone interested? Send me a private message if you are. Username is POO15.
sooooooooo... am I lucky to have got one of these out of a Club Rick? are they rlly rare
If my Math is correct I need 24 Birdosaurs to make a Prancer Morty? Before anyone says no you only need 15, because 3 x 5. I just thought of the how you have to take into consideration the initial Birdasour and Volcan Morty. It's really 4 x 6. Imagine Rainbow Morty now. o_0
I agree. I'm currently trying to evolve my Volcan Morty and it's such a drag, but it's worth it in the end.
Prancer Morty spawns in wild. I have screenshot. Don't know how to attach it.

Quoting Christina:

Prancer Morty spawns in wild. I have screenshot. Don't know how to attach it.

Yes actually, found and caught one in Mortyland once.
Anyways, free Mortys, please check this thread!
Just to clearly state, you need 36 badges to make this Morty. Otherwise, it doesn't let you at the Morty Day Care
I can say that 4 Birdosaur Morty are all you need to make Prancer Morty. Just to clear things out. And no, you don't need 36. You can combine Birdosaurs to get this one. You just need 7 tbh.
When can I expect the sprites to be uploaded? I need them for a... Project.
I'd also be interested in the sprites for this and other Mortys :)
I guess, soon? Maybe the admins are working on it ;)

Quoting Arcelot:

I guess, soon? Maybe the admins are working on it ;)

All uploaded :)
Probably based on the Pokemon Arceus or Xerneas, going with the Legendary theme of Birdosaur Morty (Articuno) and Volcan Morty (Entei/Arcanine?)