A giant multi-mouthed monster, this guy is here to unleash seas of vomit on his enemies. Stand back, things are about to get gross.


Name Type Power Accuracy AP
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Reward Tiers

Tier Rank Rewards
44 - 10
511 - 100
Club Rick Credits x2, , Flurbos x2950, Morty Manipulator Chip
6101 - 200
Club Rick Credits x1, Flurbos x2550, Morty Manipulator Chip
7201 - 300
Flurbos x2250, Morty Manipulator Chip
8301 - 500
Flurbos x1950, Morty Manipulator Chip
9501 - 750
Flurbos x1700, Morty Manipulator Chip
10751 - 1000
Flurbos x1500, Morty Manipulator Chip
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Note: Ranks are not global (worldwide), but instead split into smaller pools of users.
E.g. there will be many "rank 1" users around the world each raid event.


Want to know more about how Raids work? Check out our Pocket Mortys Raid Guide.

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