"The Rick In Me is a Rick In You" Quest

Quest Giver: Jerry
Badges Required: 36
Quests Required: Butter Me Up, Rick
Quest Giver Wanders? Yes
Jerry is wondering what life would be like in a new dimension.


Active Quest:

You spend so much time in different dimensions, around different versions of yourself, Rick.
I’ve always wondered what life would be like for me in a different dimension. Could you help me find out?

Reject Item:

I’m not sure what insight this gives me into alternate versions of myself, Rick. Can we try something else?

Accept Item:

This is perfect, Rick!
I wonder if there's a dimension where I’m the winner of the Regional Advertiser of the Year award?
I found a box of your stuff labeled "Purified". I was going to throw it out, but you may as well take it.

Complete Quest:

I think I’m going to enjoy this, Rick!
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Got a shiny one level 28 looking for an egg morty
I have a plumbonian lvl morty msg me if interested
i have a level 5 and willing to trade if anyone needs him
Have this morty, want to trade for crpnenberg, one true morty or morticia
Do you have plumbainia or morticia willing to trade
Anyone has spooky morties they can offer me? Any level !
У меня,скажи свой ник в игре
I have a extra morticia add me and request her my username is the same as here
Im giving away 2 lvl 5's of this Morty. Add me and request, first come first serve.
I’ll give a headism for it
Headism for plumbonia(lvl28 irc) is a deal
Oh hey Holoklaus, I just battled you a few mins ago. No hard feelings about my level 90 cronenberg morty?
Need this Morty. Check offerings page for trade
i got a prawn for a plumbonia,mindblower,campaign or egg
I'll trade my plumbonia for an egg. I've got level 24 and 26. User name is shankhunt24
I have this morty. Is anyone interested? Send me a private message if you are. Username is POO15.