Multiplayer Dimensions in Pocket Mortys
Updated to Game Version 2.38.0, Asset Version 539 (March 23rd, 2025).
There are currently 5 dimensions available to explore in the Multiplayer version of Pocket Mortys. They are Mortyland (Dimension 11), Plumbubo Prime 51b (Dimension 12), Mortopia (Dimension 13), GF Mortanic (Dimension 14), and Anime-Dimension (Dimension 15). Each dimension has different Mortys available to capture.
Rarity | Mortys |
Loading table, please wait...
Total Rock
Total Paper
Total Scissors
Total Normal
Plumbubo Prime 51b
Rarity | Mortys |
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Total Rock
Total Paper
Total Scissors
Total Normal
Rarity | Mortys |
Loading table, please wait...
Total Rock
Total Paper
Total Scissors
Total Normal
GF Mortanic
Rarity | Mortys |
Loading table, please wait...
Total Rock
Total Paper
Total Scissors
Total Normal