All Recipes in Pocket Mortys

Updated to Game Version 2.38.0, Asset Version 539 (March 23rd, 2025).

Crafting Stations are spread throughout Pocket Mortys and allow you to combine two or three items together into new items. Several crafting stations can be found in the Citadel of Ricks, and more are found randomly throughout the various dimensions.

There is a limit to how many of each item you can carry, so it is a good idea to combine base items when you can. There are are currently 34 campaign recipes and 22 multiplayer recipes in the game (see the table below). Use the filters to toggle between multiplayer and campaign recipes, and to show/hide icons, names, or descriptions.

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Hey, I have a question about the last three recipes in multiplayer, how do I find the ingredients for them?
try building a supercharged battery first
Hey, I have a question about the last three recipes, how do I find the ingredients for them?
Approach a crafting machine, and press a
Can someone explain why the motherboard recepie isn't working? Apparently, it works for others but for me it just kinda gives up.

Quoting Morty_boi01:

Can someone explain why the motherboard recepie isn't working? Apparently, it works for others but for me it just kinda gives up.

It only works in Campaign
I can't find a turbulent juice tube can someone tell me how to find it?
Purchase a crap ton of Courier Flaps and test your luck

Quoting Weylin:

I can't find a turbulent juice tube can someone tell me how to find it?

There's no special way to find it. It just shows up randomly on the map or after a battle
Just noticing a little inconsistency to this list.
Your {#19: Courier Flap} is in the wrong spot. I believe it goes in as {#13} with your current listed order shifting down one space starting with {#13: Level Up Mega Seed}.
And {#20: Microverse Battery} should be {#17} with {#16: Purified Fleeb} and {#17: Mutant Bacteria Cell} moving into {#18} and {#19} respectively.
These slight changes might help other newer players better follow the crafting recipes along with their game.
Hi Everyone! Merry Christmas
Also, the recipe for the microverse battery isnt right. to make that you actually need a supercharged battery, a motherboard, and a dark matter ball.

Quoting Evan S:

Also, the recipe for the microverse battery isnt right. to make that you actually need a supercharged battery, a motherboard, and a dark matter ball.

Fixed, thanks!
What do i give Humox?
You give him a neutrino bomb. to make that you just need a supercharged battery, a motherboard, and a dark ENERGY ball. not a dark matter ball
What can i do with the Roy vr headset??
give it to mascot Morty at 40 badges