- 註冊日期: 30 一 2018
- 上次登入: 6 年 11 個月 前
- 時區: UTC +0:00
- 當地時間: 05:23
- 文章: 21
- 活動值: 1
- Profile views: 3002
- Thank you received: 2
- 性別: 未知
- 生日: 未知
trading OTM and/or non-types/other exotic/epic mortys lvl 5-14+
for any 1 or more of the ff. preferably lvl 15 above (11 above ok!)
mascot-, krampus-, concerto-, wild mascot-, mortaion, mega, punk, exoskeleton, event mortys (multiplayer/campaign)
next request: 15h
最新的話題 (21 messages )
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