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Take these Mortys away from me

6 年 6 個月 前 #3222 來自 SeverusSwifty
can I have turbulent juice morty dude

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6 年 6 個月 前 - 6 年 6 個月 前 #3234 來自 MOYcanoSapiens

SeverusSwifty 寫了道:: can I have turbulent juice morty dude


And for newcomers, I don't know if you guys are aware but it's possible to use the same name in this page and in the multiplayer campaign. That, or at least tell us your in-game name.

Best regards. [SFMBE]

MP: MOYcanoSapiens (feel free to ask for Mortys; I'll donate if I found them)
Last edit: 6 年 6 個月 前 by MOYcanoSapiens.

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6 年 6 個月 前 #3235 來自 EmbodiedCash182
I'll have Krampus
You might need to battle me with it in your deck of mortys.

The One True Rick. Android User...

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6 年 6 個月 前 #3236 來自 EmbodiedCash182
ign is CrashBandiBooted

The One True Rick. Android User...

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6 年 6 個月 前 #3237 來自 MOYcanoSapiens

CrashBandiBootedYT 寫了道:: ign is CrashBandiBooted

I send you a friend request. Just ask for it ingame.

MP: MOYcanoSapiens (feel free to ask for Mortys; I'll donate if I found them)

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6 年 6 個月 前 #3255 來自 EmbodiedCash182
I can't request it yet that's why i need you to battle me with it.

The One True Rick. Android User...

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