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Hello everyone! I have got a One True Morty and I am interested in selling it!

7 年 4 個月 前 #1350 來自 Ty DerF
By now it is at level 6, and I would like to trade it! The Morty's I am most interested are: Morty and Lil Bits Morty. If you send a good offer (even if it does not has those two Morty's) I might accept it! Anyways, have a good day! :D

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7 年 4 個月 前 #1351 來自 Smokey
Hello! I would like that One True Morty! I'm still new at this trading thing so please explain me the process!

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7 年 4 個月 前 #1352 來自 truekolors

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7 年 4 個月 前 #1353 來自 deadpulse

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7 年 4 個月 前 #1354 來自 ShmlonathanX
I'll give you both lil bits and morty high level

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7 年 4 個月 前 #1355 來自 D_Bag
You mean the original starting morty?

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