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Lvl 5 trades

4 年 1 個月 前 - 4 年 1 個月 前 #5407 來自 Rick-V1361
Lvl 5 trades was created by Rick-V1361
For those who need lvl 5 Morty for tax reasons.

State IGN and what you can trade for it.

IGN: Rick-V1361

Will reimburse you with a rare lvl 9 of your choice:

Geriatric Morty
Hippie Morty
Raptor Morty
Double Snoozle Morty

PS: I'm currently locked for 24h (until 2PM UTC/7AM UTC-7 (California) in requesting a Cult of Morty Morty cuz I'm a dummy.
Last edit: 4 年 1 個月 前 by Rick-V1361. 原因: it hurt itself in confusion

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