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Mortys for Multiplayer

6 Jahre 10 Monate her #2024 von TheBaporru
Mortys for Multiplayer wurde erstellt von TheBaporru
I have finished the campaign and I started multiplayer mode (again, because the first time I started it I was new in game) and I have no idea of how to do my team.

I chose The One True Morty, Robot Morty and Rick Morty, but my question is... They are good Mortys for multiplayer?

Pd: If I have orthographic errors, excuse me, I’m Mexican and I’m not an expert in English, I hope that your aren’t racist people.

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6 Jahre 10 Monate her #2025 von StevezyC-137
Hey buddy! I hope there aren't any racists here either. My white self welcomes any fan of the show to play the game with the rest of us. : ) anyway, it's good you have the one true Morty (OTM) I joined multiplayer before I had him in single player so now I have to trade for him. If I were you, try to find either exotic mortys or epic mortys. You can make them with a lot of combined mortys or just find them if you're lucky. The epics and exotic mortys have the highest attacks and defenses. Hope this helps, friend. :)
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: TheBaporru

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6 Jahre 10 Monate her #2027 von You felt your sins weighing on your neck
Hello and welcome to this comunity about how good a morty is, you cant tell checking his base stats, you can see that here: pocketmortys.net/mortys also the how good a morty is depends more on how you train him, about the mortys you choose i see theyre good, and you can make your own ''dream team'' over the time.
Por cierto yo tambien soy mexicano y nunca he tenido problemas al escribir, aqui no se discrimina a nadie (bueno excepto por jerry). si quieres agregarme deja tu nombre de usuario aqui, suerte y diviertete si tienes alguna duda puedes enviarme un mensaje directo y con gusto respondere :)

Lost all, gotta get it back again.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: TheBaporru

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6 Jahre 10 Monate her #2028 von StevezyC-137
Hell yeah, screw Jerry! Haha xD

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6 Jahre 10 Monate her #2034 von TheBaporru
Hello, thanks for answering ( I thought that I would get an answer in a week or something like that). I think that I wrote the text in a way that you might misunderstood it or something like... I know how it works: how to make your team, how to get cool mortys, and that stuff; I have completed the campaign and reached level 8 in multiplayer before I deleted my progress and started again, (but thanks for the support, anyway) what I want to know is if my mortys are good compared with other epic and exotic mortys, I don’t know exactly what mortys are more wanted than others, and really I had many options before beginning, like pepperoni pizza Morty, or Multi Morty, I only wanted to know if of all the mortys I collected through campaign I made a good decision. (Anyway I will keep my progress because I have good level in multiplayer and I don’t want to change everything again and loose my progress).

And again, thanks for the help :b

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6 Jahre 10 Monate her #2035 von StevezyC-137
Hey bud, so my starting lineup is cronenberg, grand sage, prances, mega , renagade (I think). Yours sound good, but robot and Rick Morty might not get that much stronger unless they're pretty high levels. Happy hunting!
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: TheBaporru

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