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Your thoughts on improving the game!

4 年 8 ヶ月 前 #5599 : Cherry_Fizz
Import Mortys!への返信 by Cherry_Fizz
A way to import Mortys from the Daycare to our Morty lists would be an excellent addition. Adding them manually is very time consuming.

Cherry Fizz
次のユーザーが感謝しています: LingLing40hours

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4 年 8 ヶ月 前 #5600 : Techowl
It would be nice to be able to block fight requests. There are players who follow you around constantly doing fight requests. I have had to leave on several occasions due to this, and even stopped playing for a few weeks. It is very annoying. Even a timer that limits when then can ask again after the request is denied would be beneficial.

- Techowl -

My IGN (In Game Name) is TimDaTech

My Discord ID is Techowl#8306
次のユーザーが感謝しています: Ricks_al_ghul2, Cherry_Fizz

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4 年 8 ヶ月 前 - 4 年 8 ヶ月 前 #5601 : TheGodMorty82

Techowl は書きました: It would be nice to be able to block fight requests. There are players who follow you around constantly doing fight requests. I have had to leave on several occasions due to this, and even stopped playing for a few weeks. It is very annoying. Even a timer that limits when then can ask again after the request is denied would be beneficial.

- Techowl -

*Breathes in* BHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *Has to take another deep breath* HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA~!!@!

But yeah, more of that in-game predatory behavior, unfortunately. I just go to other dimensions - just close the app and open it again...you will re-appear at the entrance of the game and from there you can teleport elsewhere.

You don't have to leave for weeks at a time, it's enough to close the game for a bit, go drop a deuce and then come back like 30 minutes later...most scrubs tend to leave the game after 15 minutes. Sad part is most of them aren't even out for the XP, they see you training a couple of Mortys and they know they can beat you if only by numbers, so they're only trying to get credits out of you.

Another thing I've done is play throughout the day instead of setting aside 30 - 90 minute blocks in the evening. It's less to worry about when you take the game 15 minutes at a time. I don't even get why people are in such a rush to reach level 50 that fast, it'll take more effort to level-up your teams to 100 so that you can even battle competitively against others - that is, if you're properly training high-IV Mortys from lower levels instead of the current level at which you catch them in the wild. If the fight pit is anything to go by, there's a lot of trainers half-assing the EV training on their Morty teams (seriously, I've fought Level 100 Mortys with the same stats as my Level 71 teams).

Push comes to shove, just stand there and give them a good ol' pooping. It's not like they can force you to fight like the Campaign trainers, and soon enough they get tired of pooping back at you. I'm not even joking, I've laughed my ass off giving other players the poop and watching them get pissed off.

In extreme cases, take note of their username. Leave for a couple days and when you come back you can look them up with the Friends feature (obviously, you won't be adding them). If, for example, you're a Level 35 trainer and the scrub that's been on your a** has leveled-up past 40, then there's no way you'll be seeing them again for a while until you decide to level up as well. By then, it'd be a good idea to have a solid team to kick some butts around next time they think they can just try and push you around (again, people cower away when they can't take advantage).
最終編集: 4 年 8 ヶ月 前 by TheGodMorty82 理由: Poopy di scoop.
次のユーザーが感謝しています: Ricks_al_ghul2

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4 年 8 ヶ月 前 #5602 : TheGodMorty82
Import Mortys!への返信 by TheGodMorty82
I have a gripe of my own: why aren't trainers split up into groups in the Fight Pit? Don't get me wrong, I've had fun beating up Level 50 players and their half-trained Mortys, but you don't really get to stay at the top for long that way. It'd be more fair to have trainers put into pools according to their own level like what is already being done for the raids.

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4 年 7 ヶ月 前 #5612 : Techowl
I think a couple of small improvements would be;

1:) Show the level of the player asking to fight you either in the name banner or in the info section.

2:) Have players that start a fight then leave part way through lose the battle instead of there being no penalty. That way you would at least get the experience points, instead of nothing at all.

- Techowl -

My IGN (In Game Name) is TimDaTech

My Discord ID is Techowl#8306
次のユーザーが感謝しています: Ricks_al_ghul2

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4 年 7 ヶ月 前 #5613 : rickityrickson96
what if we there was a destinaton called needful cheats. where mr. needful gives items (meeseeks box, lvl up, attack, defence,speed mega seeds, maybe maybe not tockens etc) in multiplayer. but to get the items you need it be really expencive to make it fair. and what about you bring back the "select 3 mortys" gig back to multiplayer but to add something, add #001 morty as a permenent morty so it will be like 4 starter mortys when you join multiplayer. oh and i had this idea for another map, the smith residance. you could make ricks garage, mortys room, the tv room, summers room. and the healing daycare, lab, fight club, portal and my original idea the needful cheats could be in the following

healing center - in front of the left side of the smith residance
daycare - somewhere in mortys room
morty lab - somewhere in ricks garage
fight club - dinner area
portal - near the hood of ricks garage
and needful cheats - in front of the right side of the smith residance
and if there is going to ne a raid. BAM! the celing is broken, blocking the tv from the sofa

if you are wondering where the needful cheats should go here are the destinations
morty land - somewhere that looks mysterious
plumbo prime 5b - near the in front of the craft place at the very end of the map
mortopia - behind the portal
GF mortanic - the botton end of either left or right
and one final request.please add dayare to the morty pad so when we want to change our team it would be easier than going to the day care

and thats it. thank you for reading this.

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