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How do I get my previous data back

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il y a 5 ans 3 mois #4210 par Whoopdiedoo
Have the same problem. I’m on an IPhone and I deleted the app for a while. Recently reinstalled it but it made me start again and didn’t save a thing. I was lvl 50 and had a max lvl OTM.... didn’t save it on the cloud. There has to be a way to restore it right?

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il y a 4 ans 11 mois #4460 par Mrchopman
Mrchopman account back has mrchop24@gmail.com

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il y a 4 ans 11 mois #4461 par ImEdgy69
Réponse de ImEdgy69 sur le sujet How do I get my previous data back
I mean if you could prove that account is yours send a email to support. I've learned that accounts aren't truely deleted because you can still search deleted accounts.

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