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Multiplayer seeds
7 Jahre 8 Monate her #230
von Squanchy
With squanch,
Multiplayer seeds wurde erstellt von Squanchy
At what level in multiplayer do seeds become available for purchase?
With squanch,
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7 Jahre 8 Monate her #231
von Exerah
Exerah antwortete auf Multiplayer seeds
I believe they become available at level 10,not sure.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Arcelot
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7 Jahre 8 Monate her #233
von Arcelot
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7 Jahre 8 Monate her #234
von Squanchy
With squanch,
Squanchy antwortete auf Multiplayer seeds
It isn't 10, I am 11. I need seeds because I leveled up one morty to 29, but left my others at 10 and 5. The game sets all wild morty levels to that of your highest owned, not that of the highest in your party. My lvl 29 won't do any attacks, because my player level isn't high enough. This means that I can't fight with my best, nor can I fight with my others, resulting in a broken game which is entirely unplayable, unless someone wants to let me beat them a couple times so I can then use my lvl 29.
With squanch,
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7 Jahre 8 Monate her #239
von Arcelot
Arcelot antwortete auf Multiplayer seeds
Oh noooo! It's still on beta bro. Maybe they'll try to fix it. Contact their official twitter account with this link (@PocketMortys)
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7 Jahre 8 Monate her #241
von Squanchy
With squanch,
Squanchy antwortete auf Multiplayer seeds
I don't use Twitter but I sent them another message on Facebook.
With squanch,
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