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PLEASE HELP! I can not re-login

6 Jahre 7 Monate her #3478 von Jiro
Hi, please help me if anyone has ever had this problem before:

I was re-installing my Pocket Morty app due to some error, but somehow, I can not log back in to my previous Multiplayer Account! There is no option to login, when the game started, it has only 2 options: campaign/ multiplayer, and when I click multiplayer, it directs me to 'Sign Up/ Create New Account' page.

How to login to my previous multiplayer account? Let's say somebody change his/ her phone, how does he/ she log in to his/ her previous multiplayer account?

Please help,

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6 Jahre 7 Monate her #3481 von ThePunxRonja
Hey there, I've never had this situation before, but from what you wrote, I assume that you can enter your account by going to the Sign Up section then I guess you should be able to enter your old Username! I really hope that's working, bc otherwise I have no idea :/ wish you good luck!

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6 Jahre 7 Monate her #3484 von Jiro
Hi, thank you for answering. When I put my username on the sign up page, it says "username already taken". Then I tried to create new account and it works. With that new account, I added friend my old account and I saw my old account is still there. But I still can not log in into that old account.. so frustrating after all the time & money I've spent on that account. I've sent some email to the support team and got no reply too.

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6 Jahre 6 Monate her #3557 von beyalwolf
This just happened to me too. Just randomply got logged out. It even looked like the whole game reset because it asked me to choose language on startup. I had just reached level 30 on multiplayer and now this happened...?

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3 Jahre 2 Wochen her #8114 von Doge v
I need my old pocket Morty account my pocket morty uninstalled for no reason and i lost all my hard progress so please help

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