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I need help quick

3 Jahre 7 Monate her #5951 von Leo1148
I need help quick wurde erstellt von Leo1148
So i got a new phone
and when i logged in the game with my google play games account and clicked on multiplayer it made me make a new multiplayer account,does anybody know how i could log into the account thats on the other phone?

Leonida Stefan

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3 Jahre 7 Monate her #5955 von Techowl
Techowl antwortete auf I need help quick
I just used the same account and when the game started I went to the settings and entered the proper Google info and it resynced the account. Sometimes, it can take a few tries to make the game pick up your old account.

If you have no success whatsoever, then contact Tech Support. They will make you jump through hoops, but they can solve the issue.

- Techowl -

My IGN (In Game Name) is TimDaTech

My Discord ID is Techowl#8306
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Leo1148

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3 Jahre 7 Monate her #5956 von smayberry
smayberry antwortete auf I need help quick
This is why we tell everyone with Android to make sure you keep a copy of your multiplayer.dat cloudcontainer.dat player.dat
You can find it in /Android/data/com.turner.pocketmorties/files
This games cloud save/restore sucks bad. You have to be responsible for your own data

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3 Jahre 7 Monate her #5957 von entucara88
entucara88 antwortete auf I need help quick
Can you explain this process with more details?
Were we put the data we saved in the new phone? Google Play games doesn't restore the data when you change the phone

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3 Jahre 7 Monate her #5959 von smayberry
smayberry antwortete auf I need help quick
on old phone open file manager and go to /Android/data/com.turner.pocketmorties/files
copy or email player.dat cloudcontainer.dat multiplayer.dat
put those files on ur new phone in the same location.
so obviously you have to delete those files on the new phone, before copying them on to it

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