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Anyone giving away Mortys?

5 Jahre 5 Monate her #4317 von popobios
hello brothers im new to this game , playing just a few days and im in a bad shape , got some exotic though but i lack of knowledge about the game , like which is better and why is better , id like to have some advices and even if u can help me out by some higher level morties id love that , my ign is Ponymaniac <3

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5 Jahre 5 Monate her #4318 von Emzily
How do u req mortys and give them away? I see that you're requesting a green shirt morty, but i dont have any. I can give you any of the other morty's i own, but i cant :(
Im also not able to req scaly or specs

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5 Jahre 5 Monate her - 5 Jahre 5 Monate her #4322 von Eb53
In order to request, you have to have seen/battled one so it’s in your deck.
When we’re both online I’ll add them to my deck and send you a friend battle request. That’s when you get the shaking people icon at the top right. Then go into your console to friends and accept battle.
To request/donate you just go to console>friends and at the top tap request (only 1 per day), or tap the person with a morty request and tap donate to give.
No need for a green shirt, I got bored with that;) you can just have them :)

Édit: other tips for both newbies:
Your player level has to be at least half the morty level, otherwise they disobey and you can’t really use them.
There’s lots of good mortys, go to the all mortys deck and sort by total stats to get an idea of the best stat ones, though which attacks they can have is also a factor. Currently my favorites are mortaoin, funny and trover. Everyone wants the Christmas and pale morty, so... don’t hold yr breath;)
it’s much better to level up from 5, you’ll get the best stats in the end, and keep at least one level 5 in your mortys (not in the one your playing with, but in a separate deck) so you can have a deck to catch good mortys at level 5 when you go to new places. The level of your lowest morty is what the level of the wild ones will be, so I keep a deck with a lvl 11 & lvl 5 to catch wild mortys. But don’t keep it in your regular playing deck. Mortys get the most points if they’re battling one of the same or higher level.
Oh, and the eggs don’t evolve, you have to get 11 to make a TOTM, so start with a level 5 egg
Letzte Änderung: 5 Jahre 5 Monate her von Eb53.
Folgende Benutzer bedankten sich: Emzily

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5 Jahre 5 Monate her #4328 von Emzily
oh thanks! this is really helpful

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5 Jahre 5 Monate her #4330 von NotYara
I am looking for any level mega morty, turbulent juice morty, keronenberg morty and spliced morty

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5 Jahre 4 Monate her #4341 von kwiqkill
I have a few lvl 90's, add me as friend and ask away and you can have as many as you want in game name kwiqkill

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