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7 年 7 ヶ月 前 #6 : Hayward
Please read the Frequently Asked Questions before asking a question here. Thanks!

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5 年 4 ヶ月 前 #3889 : Masterzxz
Didobeying mortyyへの返信 by Masterzxz
My morty is lv 18 and he disobeys when i atk. Seems my rick lv is to low but how can i lv rick when i can only catch lv 18 and only have lv 18 morty

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5 年 4 ヶ月 前 #3893 : Ragn0r0s
Lose against ricks. You'll get reduced exp for losing and probably wreck your w/l ratio but you'll gain rick levels. Or trade for lower level morty

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5 年 4 ヶ月 前 #3894 : X3Thunder
where do you find your K/D spread?

i want the egg mortys

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5 年 4 ヶ月 前 #3895 : Ragn0r0s
If you happen to become friends with your opponent or battle a friend, it will show up by their name on your friend list. Other than that I'm not sure if it really tracks
次のユーザーが感謝しています: Alianzize

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5 年 4 ヶ月 前 #3900 : X3Thunder
Which leads to a suggestion of sorts for the game to be implemented. its kinda already there in a way so I hope it could be added. just to know how many ricks ive taken down outside of the friend zone would be nice.

i want the egg mortys

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