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Your thoughts on improving the game!

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6 Anni 6 Mesi fa - 6 Anni 6 Mesi fa #3652 da Rob3rtSOLO
There should be a way to get Morties to max level once you get there already.
For example.
You got a Cronenberg at level 32 and you level it all the way to 70 or something like that.
Then you find a level 5 one and have to level it up all the way to 70+ again?
I think there should be an option to trade in the level 70 one (disappears and give the experience points to the level 5 one and make it 70.)
In order for this to not be abused there are many ways to do that so yeah..
This idea is of course more detailed but this is just the main idea.
Ultima Modifica 6 Anni 6 Mesi fa da Rob3rtSOLO. Motivo: added extra line

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6 Anni 6 Mesi fa - 6 Anni 6 Mesi fa #3675 da AlexSmithFGC
• Show current item quantity when picking up items.
• Show current item quantity in the store and when crafting.
• Don't allow items to be picked up from the ground if inventory is already at max for that item. If an item is part of a pack or is won in a battle, but its quantity is already at max capacity, show that.
• Allow multiple use of one item at a time (perhaps with a long press).
• Item gifting.
• Add a screen that shows the levels and full artwork for one's team and trainer.
• More voices.
• More variety in the ability animations.
• More songs.

There's very likely more that I'll come up with, but this seems like a good start.
Ultima Modifica 6 Anni 6 Mesi fa da AlexSmithFGC.
I seguenti utenti hanno detto grazie : Cherry_Fizz

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6 Anni 6 Mesi fa #3702 da Robbie-Rabbit
Ok, adding to my previous comment of additional dimensions in multiplayer, the dimensions in general expanding would be awesome. Like getting to explore more of the amusement park or getting to the islands just out of reach in Plumbubo. Or making Mortopia less of a boring box.
I seguenti utenti hanno detto grazie : AlexSmithFGC, LingLing40hours

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6 Anni 4 Mesi fa - 6 Anni 4 Mesi fa #3764 da AlexSmithFGC
Some more suggestions...

• It should be possible to check Morty stats when donating and when catching Mortys. (It might even be nice to always be able to see stats in the list view, too.)
• More ways to directly interact with other players, be that through an array of preset messages or at least more icons.
• Show a number indicating the amount of damage being done for each attack. It would be satisfying and informative. Bonus if it changes color for critical attacks. Double bonus if the digits are greater in size for more damaging attacks (à la Secret of Mana).
Ultima Modifica 6 Anni 4 Mesi fa da AlexSmithFGC.

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6 Anni 4 Mesi fa #3765 da Alhamisi 11
Open up a few more dimension's
Add morty's from the show
Allow players to write to one another during the game instead of emoji's

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6 Anni 2 Mesi fa #4003 da Prometheus
Allow player trading , have a world chat , a friend chat and lastly add more worlds
I seguenti utenti hanno detto grazie : LingLing40hours

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