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7 anos 3 meses atrás - 7 anos 3 meses atrás #457 por AllAloneIsAllWeAre
Respondido por AllAloneIsAllWeAre no tópico Multiplayer

jack.lant escreveu: But then if I leveled up to a high level then he would obey me

Heh heh yes, that's true, but I just wanted to point out that not only would the character not be useful to you earlier in the game, but you couldn't level him up yourself, choosing his abilities. He would be the same default you find on the Mortanic later.

You've got your Cronenberg, go ahead and ask for the Mortox. I'm kinda curious how he will work for you.
Ultima edição: 7 anos 3 meses atrás por AllAloneIsAllWeAre.

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7 anos 3 meses atrás #460 por jack.lant
Respondido por jack.lant no tópico Multiplayer

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7 anos 3 meses atrás #462 por AllAloneIsAllWeAre
Respondido por AllAloneIsAllWeAre no tópico Multiplayer
Congratulations on getting to Plumbubo Prime, Jack!

The Mortys should have arrived just as I sent them... both at level 50 and above. So the world is waiting with bated breath: how often will the Mortys disobey you on a single round of AP? Does Morty seem to disobey bout the same amount as missing a hit, or does if feel more rare than that, if at all?

(If they do misbehave, remind them of how bored they were in Morty Daycare! LOL)
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7 anos 3 meses atrás #467 por jack.lant
Respondido por jack.lant no tópico Multiplayer
I can usually land 1 -2 hits per round
Os seguintes usuário(s) disseram Obrigado: AllAloneIsAllWeAre

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7 anos 3 meses atrás #470 por Crash1947
Respondido por Crash1947 no tópico Multiplayer
They should really toss in more dimensions. 4 inst enough to fit everything.

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7 anos 3 meses atrás #474 por AllAloneIsAllWeAre
Respondido por AllAloneIsAllWeAre no tópico Multiplayer
Well, they said they would be adding stuff every week during Season 3. Maybe we will be getting more lands.

I'm thinking that Girl Morty and Lawyer Morty were a soft test of the upgrades, and I hope they add each update as new game revision to protect the game's stability moving forward.

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