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Mortys for Multiplayer
7 年 2 ヶ月 前 #2056
: WoodDuCK42
I don't have one
Mortys for Multiplayerへの返信 by WoodDuCK42
I think this is a pretty good Morty for early and mid without any buff attacks
Cap'n Morty is a great Morty and can one shot some Morty's with 4 or 5 attack mega seeds and I still use it now and gets 5 to 12 wins in a row ( I use a full party of cap'n Morty's but need to look at the Morty's before I battle to see if their lineup is rock oriented) I use Leg sweep most of the time because it does lots of damage to all types of Morty's. And use piracy so I don't need to go to the healing center to lose my multiplier.
Cronenburg Morty's are also good because they have no type and do lots of attack to any type so they can't be countered.
Cap'n Morty is a great Morty and can one shot some Morty's with 4 or 5 attack mega seeds and I still use it now and gets 5 to 12 wins in a row ( I use a full party of cap'n Morty's but need to look at the Morty's before I battle to see if their lineup is rock oriented) I use Leg sweep most of the time because it does lots of damage to all types of Morty's. And use piracy so I don't need to go to the healing center to lose my multiplier.
Cronenburg Morty's are also good because they have no type and do lots of attack to any type so they can't be countered.
I don't have one
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- RickTheTitan
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- Yo! What up my glip glops!
- 投稿数: 103
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7 年 2 ヶ月 前 #2058
: RickTheTitan
If we can kill our enemies, but we can't jack them off how are we better than them?
He’s a great Morty to have , I use him as well .. but with a balanced team .. “leg sweep” is a powerful attack, but don’t limit yourself like that , there’s plenty of better and higher attacks .. and once you faced a Grand Sage Morty with Fire ball ..you’ll get “Riggity Riggity Wrecked Son!”
If we can kill our enemies, but we can't jack them off how are we better than them?
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- 投稿数: 4
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7 年 2 ヶ月 前 #2060
: WoodDuCK42
I don't have one
Mortys for Multiplayerへの返信 by WoodDuCK42
This is why I said I looked beforehand to see if there is any Morty's that counter cap'n Morty.( look at the Morty's trailing the player)
I don't have one
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- RickTheTitan
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- Yo! What up my glip glops!
- 投稿数: 103
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7 年 2 ヶ月 前 #2061
: RickTheTitan
If we can kill our enemies, but we can't jack them off how are we better than them?
I fully agree that he’s a great Morty , have fun with him , but try some diversity, I know it’s fun having a full team of a specific Morty ( I did this with Prancer )
If we can kill our enemies, but we can't jack them off how are we better than them?
次のユーザーが感謝しています: WoodDuCK42
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- 投稿数: 108
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7 年 1 ヶ月 前 #2258
: Pinball_Wizard
Well then get your shit together, get it all together and put it in a back pack, all your shit, so it's together. And if you gotta take it some where, take it somewhere, you know...
Cap't is great early on for that leg sweep and sing... as the game progresses, I use him mostly for his debuffs.
At this point, I tend to go with whatever Mortys make me laugh the most and build them as strong as possible. That's what Mortys are for, to laugh at!
At this point, I tend to go with whatever Mortys make me laugh the most and build them as strong as possible. That's what Mortys are for, to laugh at!

Well then get your shit together, get it all together and put it in a back pack, all your shit, so it's together. And if you gotta take it some where, take it somewhere, you know...
次のユーザーが感謝しています: RickTheTitan
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