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Does Salesman Rick's rip-off?

4 年 5 ヶ月 前 #4708 : squantumfartz
I have (more than once) not received what I purchased from Salesman Rick's. When purchasing more than one of the same item, I was charged for each item, but received only one of that item.

Since then I have changed my habits when buying from him. I close Salesman Rick's window after each individual purchase each time, check my inventory to confirm I received my purchased item, then reopen Salesman Rick's to continue shopping. Buying only one of each single item at a time.

This is a REAL hassle! Please HELP me!

Thank you,

- Your faithful Pocket Morty fan, squantumfartz.

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4 年 5 ヶ月 前 #4716 : GordonRickSanchez
You can't have more than 10 of a item Note that.

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4 年 5 ヶ月 前 #4717 : TheGodMorty82
E-mail Support (press the gear icon at the start of the game or in your Morty Pad and look for the Email Support button) about this; I think the game screwed me over a couple times before - one time, I bought like 5 health serums and paid the price of 7 of them but it was because I was pressing the buy button real fast (was trying to run back a battle with another player) and I attribute that to a possible connection latency. Other than that, it's worked fine.

Also, Salesman Rick's won't take payment if you already have the maximum number of items (10) for any given item - it doesn't look like the game is screwing the original poster over that.

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