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Looking for ball drop Morty and New year's Eve morty

6 年 10 ヶ月 前 #2114 : Grimreaper10101
Hello! I'm new to the forums, I have gathered quite the collection of exotics but I'm still looking for ball drop Morty and New year's Eve morty. If anyone has these and are willing to trade, contact me and we can work out a trade, just request what you want in return for one or both, and I'll either agree or look for the Morty you want until I've acquired it. Thanks for reading :)

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6 年 10 ヶ月 前 #2115 : Aquaowl73
I could trade ball drop morty to you.

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6 年 10 ヶ月 前 #2116 : Grimreaper10101

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6 年 10 ヶ月 前 #2118 : Aquaowl73
What mortys do you have to trade?

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6 年 10 ヶ月 前 #2121 : Grimreaper10101
I'll just list a few from my exotics, wasteland, fawn, pumpkin, business,Sunday best, mascot, girl, and blocky are some. If none of these interests you, i can list some more.
次のユーザーが感謝しています: koolaidsnorter

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6 年 10 ヶ月 前 - 6 年 10 ヶ月 前 #2127 : koolaidsnorter
hello! i have ball drop and new year's eve morty both around lvl 13 -/+ i'm not sure. i'm also trading OTM and/or non-types/other exotic/epic mortys lvl 5-8 for any 1 or more of the ff: (preferably lvl 15 above)

mascot, krampus, concerto, wild mascot, season 3, mortaion, mega, punk, exoskeleton, event mortys (multiplayer/campaign)

trading OTM and/or non-types/other exotic/epic mortys lvl 5-14+
for any 1 or more of the ff. preferably lvl 15 above (11 above ok!)
mascot-, krampus-, concerto-, wild mascot-, mortaion, mega, punk, exoskeleton, event mortys (multiplayer/campaign)
next request: 15h
最終編集: 6 年 10 ヶ月 前 by koolaidsnorter

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