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Anyone giving away Mortys?

5 年 8 ヶ月 前 #4304 : Emzily
I recently just started playing pocket mortys and I was wondering if anyone would be willing to give away any mortys. My deck is pretty lame haha

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5 年 8 ヶ月 前 #4306 : You felt your sins weighing on your neck
yeah i have a couple of trover lvl 5 and other ones like cronenberg/hunter at lvl 5 too, if you can give me your username ingame i may show them so you can request them

Lost all, gotta get it back again.
次のユーザーが感謝しています: Emzily

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5 年 8 ヶ月 前 #4307 : Emzily
omg thanks a ton!! my username is Emzily!

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5 年 8 ヶ月 前 #4309 : Eb53
Anything particular you’re looking for? I’ve a wide assortment I’d be happy the share from. I’m eb53 in game

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5 年 8 ヶ月 前 #4315 : Emzily
oh thx a ton!! I'm trying to get left handed, slick, scaly and specs morty; but anything really is super appreciated! im Emzily in game

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5 年 8 ヶ月 前 #4316 : Eb53
i've got both scaly and specs, level 7, so you can build them up. you're welcome to both or either. i sent you a friend request, eb53

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