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Egg morty

5 年 8 ヶ月 前 #4282 : Rogueee
Egg morty \ 作成者Rogueee
Does anyone have egg mortys they can gift me?

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5 年 8 ヶ月 前 #4283 : You felt your sins weighing on your neck
I can gift you a egg morty if you gift me back a morty

Lost all, gotta get it back again.

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5 年 8 ヶ月 前 #4284 : Rogueee
Egg mortyへの返信 by Rogueee
Suree. My ingame name is RogueKiller

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5 年 8 ヶ月 前 #4287 : Rogueee
Egg mortyへの返信 by Rogueee
Thanks for the help i really appreciate it.

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5 年 8 ヶ月 前 #4288 : You felt your sins weighing on your neck
Also here is another, hope that helps you to get your OTM.

Lost all, gotta get it back again.

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5 年 8 ヶ月 前 #4292 : Eb53
Egg mortyへの返信 by Eb53
Ive got a few eggs of various levels if you’d like one.
Most particularly I’m looking for the colored shirt mortys (red/orange/green) if you happen to have any. IGN is eb53

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