- 注册日期: 16 一 2018
- 上次登录: 7 å¹´ 1 周 å‰�
- 时区: UTC +0:00
- 本地时间: 18:47
- 帖子: 17
- 声望: 1
- Profile views: 3578
- Thank you received: 8
jo im willing to trade mortys with anyone or if i have them more than 2 times give them for free
If y cant reach me write me on whatsapp : +49 171 8022650 or skype .
My trading rules :
1. One fast friendbattle to let y see i have your morty and y have mine
2.I will never scam y
3 Dont scam me
Gotta catch them all RICK AND MORTY FOREVER
最新回贴 (17 帖子 )