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Disobedience Morty Levels?

6 年 2 天 � #4143 Gameguru01
Still trying to make sense of this. Here is my current set of morty’s:
Rick- lvl 15
Morty-lvl 36, 103/103
Post Atlantis Morty-lvl 31, 117/117
Evil Rabbit Morty-lvl 30, 94/94
Pranced Morty-lvl 16, 72/72
Phantom Morty- lvl 9, 34/34

I can only occasionally get my Morty to obey, even when he is the only Morty in the group. (Not sure why he works at all)
So does all this mean I must level my Rick up to get my Morty to work for me again?

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5 年 7 个月 � #4346 Hoodulous
Very necessary without it players would be too powerful without earning that power whatsoever.

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4 年 9 个月 � #5534 LingLing40hours
@Iceni It doesn't work. I have a level 64 Morty that a virtual-friend traded, (thanks to him), and I'm level 31. The equation suggests 2 x the player level +2, and 31 x 2 is 62, plus 2 is 64. So that morty should obey me. I'm wondering if it's a bug error on the program side, or is it just 2 times your player level?

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4 年 9 个月 � #5535 TheGodMorty82
The formula is more like a guideline; at trainer level 30, my Mortys would stop obeying after reaching level 60 and at level 37, they stop after level 71. You might need some extra Mortys to feel it out, unfortunately.

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4 年 9 个月 � #5536 LingLing40hours
I have a level 64 Morty and I am level 32. It's still not obeying me.

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4 年 1 个月 � #5730 Obifen
Replied by Obifen on topic Disobedience Morty Levels?
I was level 39 and my morty disobeyed at 75. All the threories and formulas I see posted may be right at lower levels, but they change as your levels go up. Just have to trial and error, because I have experienced: hard double, double plus 2, not even double, etc etc, all before player level 42.

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