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- RickTheTitan
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If we can kill our enemies, but we can't jack them off how are we better than them?
This whole conversation is way too aggressive and offensive for me.
Especially that last part.
It's sound like you're trying to educate me with childish philosophies,
So maybe just ignore me.
No more of this arrogant bullshit please.
Anyone else?
Caity 写�:: I don't get why you would need a level down seed. Leveling up is quite time consuming already, especially if you nurture a Morty organically from Level 5.
If you feel that catching an exotic high level Morty is waste when comparing their stats with a low level that you trained. And hoping that by down grading their level, you can improve/rewrite their stats... Well you better just bring a low level Morty with you then catch this again instead.
You know before the update, when you're level 50, you can only catch 80s above. Now, as long as you bring the lowest level you've got, your wilds' level does follow. I think that's really fair enough.
I'd rather have an update where we can all go beyond level 50 than just by being donators or farmers. Or that they power up the bottom dweller stats Mortys.
At player level 50 and level 100 Morty, isn't it pretty boring? That's why a lot repeat the game every now and then and not bother about the stats or perfect the level up strategy... It's basically just game. And there's no leaderboards or whatever who keeps track of things. Nothing needed to be so scientific about it.
If for one, the stats for manual level up vs seeds level up algorithms aren't clearly established. That's why your predictable stats per level up is still sort of random/mystery.
Yea, I know it's just a game. Sure, nobody is keeping score. Dazing mortys is a routine that usually calms me down or keeps me occupied during boring meetings, or watching TV late at night. Everytime I level up a morty I get some kind of a fuzzy feeling . So i don't do it to be the best nor to win, if any I usually don't win
But I think the game could reward a player with level redo seed instead of hitting the reset button and restart the game as suggested before. And yes, the algorithm ( at least what it was before the upgrade) is very unlikely predictable especially with seeds.
I'll accept it for one of life
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Lost all, gotta get it back again.
A useless 写�:: Do you realize with a '' lvl down megaseed '' it generates a bug exploit? with that someone could end with a low lvl morty with a lot of stats (because leveling lvl 5-10 its thing of a pair of mortys but you'll tell me it'll be a slow thing to make happen, guess who is a slow trainer? you search a benefit only for yourself because dont realize the game smites in both sides (if someone is a lazy trainer and try to level fast and if someone only fight against lvl 5 mortys to make more ''evs points'' both will be smited getting less evs than someone else who trains normal).
OK.OK! So "Redo mega seed" :(reminds me the first episode season 1 of "Rick and morty" the "fresh start" button)
all the stats returns to one level before, The player will have to do the all level again!!
a punishment with some comfort .
Sure, as any seed, you'll have to regulate it to 2-3 times use per morty to insure it won't be abused.
OH, I think I learned something.