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Ads will not Load

5 年 4 个月 � #4864 shikonphoenix

I cannot get the ads to load to farm currency or get Mr. Meseeks to load the ad for gifts. Does anyone know a fix for this? There is nothing in the FAQ's to address this and Google isn't helping.

Thank you!

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5 年 4 个月 � #4865 TheGodMorty82
Replied by TheGodMorty82 on topic Ads will not Load
It's an intermittent issue; close (exit) the app and try again. If you can't get this to work at all, make sure you have updated to the latest version of the app or otherwise e-mail support (tap the gear icon in the game and look for the Email Support button). Typical response time is 1 - 2 days, make sure to contact them towards the middle of the week (so, today or tomorrow) because the developers might be busy pushing weekly updates.

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5 年 4 个月 � #4866 shikonphoenix
Replied by shikonphoenix on topic Ads will not Load
I tried restarting several times and updating but that didn't work. I will e-mail Support as you suggested. It is good to know that it's intermittent.

Thank you so much for your help!

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5 年 4 个月 � #4867 You felt your sins weighing on your neck
For now the ads from mrmeesseks are disable, it has happened before so no sure when they will be back.

Lost all, gotta get it back again.

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5 年 4 个月 � #4869 TheGodMorty82
Replied by TheGodMorty82 on topic Ads will not Load
Really? I scored some sweet loot from a Meeseeks in Multiplayer a couple hours ago.

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