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anyone knows what the morty is #329?

5 年 2 个月 � #4710 varathrox
anyone knows what the morty is #329?

in the game menu in the mortys gallery they look # 329 mortys

anyone has seen yet?

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5 年 2 个月 � #4711 Invy88
I just saw one guy with a weird blu dressed morty but i am not sure if it was one that we already have

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3 年 1 个月 � #8103 spacebaer
it‘s called :Kissing Cats Morty

This morty was given out at the 2019 Adult Swim Festival and was available in the wild for a limited time during the 2020 Adult Swim Con.
There is currently no other way to obtain it besides trading.

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3 年 1 个月 � #8104 TheGodMorty82
You can still get one every year around November when there's an Adult Swim Festival going on.

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