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Disobedient Morty in multiplayer...

7 年 3 个月 � #315 Pinball_Wizard
I can't find any resources that discuss this issue... any input? Is there a thread I'm missing?

So, a problem I'm coming across on multiplayer is an attack failure with a message along the lines of "player level too low; your Morty disobeyed you." I forget the exact wording. I'm guessing this is due to having one relatively high level aqua morty (level 30) while only being currently at a player-level of twelve. Assuming this is where the problem rests (what else could it possibly mean?)... is there any guidance as to what levels are too high and/or too low???

Has anyone else ran into this issue? I find it incredibly frustrating, as when my individual Mortys are too low in level, I can't win any battles with higher player levels. It's kind of an odd catch-22 that would easily resolve itself if my Mortys didn't "disobey" and I could actually win battles against higher ups and that would automatically result in my player level increasing... you know from winning battles. It's not like I'm trying to run around and beat up on players that are 1/4 my level... the actual level of the individual Mortys are equivalent +/- 1 when this happens. It's not like there's a huge discrepancy in player levels either as this occurs when I battle with someone within a few player-levels above me.

It's dumb I tell you, dumb. Dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb, dumb. :(

Well then get your shit together, get it all together and put it in a back pack, all your shit, so it's together. And if you gotta take it some where, take it somewhere, you know...

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7 年 3 个月 � #317 Crash1947
Where did you get your aqua morty?

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7 年 3 个月 � #329 Pinball_Wizard

Crash1947 写�:: Where did you get your aqua morty?

It's the Morty that I started out with...

He just leveled up quickly, but now his level is lagging behind by about ten levels compared to what I'm catching. I'm still using him though, as his stats are much better than any Mortys at the same level that I haven't built up.

I'm currently at player_level 30 and haven't seen one in the wild in multiplayer. He should be located on Mortopia though.

Well then get your shit together, get it all together and put it in a back pack, all your shit, so it's together. And if you gotta take it some where, take it somewhere, you know...

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7 年 3 个月 � #333 Majora
Try to get a hit on a wild Morty and capture him so you can get a team for your level?
以下用户感谢了你: Pinball_Wizard

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7 年 3 个月 � #336 Pinball_Wizard

Majora 写�:: Try to get a hit on a wild Morty and capture him so you can get a team for your level?

Yes. I ultimately had to place my AquaMorty into Morty Day Care until I gained a few player levels and then I was able to add him back to my party and use him without further issue.

I'm just trying to figure out what the level discrepancy is.. My guess is fifteen or greater level difference between player level and Morty level causes this issue. I was wondering if it was documented anywhere or if someone knew what the magic number was.

Whatever the case, my issue has resolved itself. But, at least this thread is here if anyone else searches for it. At first, I didn't know why my Morty kept refusing to fight, but now I understand.


Well then get your shit together, get it all together and put it in a back pack, all your shit, so it's together. And if you gotta take it some where, take it somewhere, you know...

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7 年 3 个月 � #337 Majora
I think it might be 10 levels over. If I recall correctly I was level 1 when one of my Morties leveled up to 11 and wouldn't obey me in a PvP fight. After that fight I gained 1-2 levels and he obeyed me again.

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