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Looking for level 5 mortys with max stats - I have ALOT of good mortys to trade

4 年 10 个月 � #4212 Whoopdiedoo
So I’ve got a lvl 5 krampus Morty and a lvl 7 campaign manager Morty. I’d love to trade them both for a OTM? But if you can’t then we can figure it out.

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4 年 9 个月 � #4331 Weetodd
Angel I can give you a level 14 monster morty and a level 25 detox morty for a big morty or any exotic scissors one I desperately need one

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4 年 9 个月 � #4338 XxPro111
I have a level 10 morty but I don't know if it has max stats

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