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Willing to trade a lvl 15 egg morty for a lvl5 Seal morty

5 年 3 个月 � #4021 Kikuichimounji
Willing to trade a lvl 15 egg morty for a lvl5 Seal morty

IGN: Brock-No1-Waifu
P.S. This acc has nor record of a seal morty so friend battle me first with a seal morty

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5 年 3 个月 � #4022 DamagedCoda
Do u accept like lvl50?

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5 年 3 个月 � #4024 BrianGGz
I have a lv5 seal morty i sent you a friend request my ign is brianggz

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5 年 3 个月 � #4025 Kikuichimounji
Friend battle me withe seal morty, so i may request later when my timer is done.
以下用户感谢了你: BrianGGz

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5 年 3 个月 � #4026 BrianGGz
When does your timer end so i can give him to you

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5 年 3 个月 � #4027 Kikuichimounji

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