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Multiplayer Beta Sign-Ups (Android)

7 年 4 个月 � #273 Hayward

Tiny Rick! 写�:: I signed up for it and downloaded it but how do i enter the online mode?

Make sure your old save is backed up to your computer or that you are signed into the Google Play Services and that the save is backed up to the cloud first. Then you can update to the Beta - it will say version 2.0.3 and immediately offer you the option of Campaign or Multiplayer.

You will only be able to pick 3 of your Campaign Mortys to use in multiplayer and their levels will be reset.
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7 年 4 个月 � - 7 年 4 个月 � #279 Lord Wrinklebottom
Can someone please give a detailed explanation of what's new/going on in the Multiplayer beta for those of us who are on iPad/iPhone and can't access it yet? Thanks...

You're a lonely, insignificant speck on a has-been planet orbited by a cold, indifferent sun!
Last edit: 7 å¹´ 4 个月 å‰� by Lord Wrinklebottom. 理由: Typo

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7 年 4 个月 � - 7 年 4 个月 � #280 AllAloneIsAllWeAre
I've been playing Multiplayer for about a week. Here's what I can tell you...
-Music/Voice clips exactly the same.
-You level up your Mortys by fighting wild Mortys or by fighting the Mortys of other Ricks.
-You can only level up your Rick by fighting other Ricks (the other players).
-The levels of the wild Mortys depend on your Rick's level. (Just as they change with badges in the campaign.)
There are 4 world levels. You start in Mortyland, and earn your way to the others by leveling up your Rick.
Mortyland - Level 0
Plumbubo Prime 51b - Level 10
Mortopia - Level 20
GF Mortanic - Level 30

Character Evolution works differently in this version of the game. To evolve the characters you "blend" them with others of their kind, but to get to the second stage, you need three extras, not just one as in the original game. To get to the third stage, you need 5 extra Mortys of the same (second stage) type. So far, I haven't seen any stage two or threes wandering wild, which means to get to stage three, you will need to capture 24 Mortys of the same type to evolve ONE Morty to stage three.

Me, I am a laid-back type of person, not very competitive, I play people so we can both level up. But I have run across my share of shitty Ricks who don't want to give me any benefit to play against them. They use potions and swap out their Mortys rather than let one fall and allow my Morty to get XP. Battles should be just that: battles. Not a never ending war where you use up all your stuff. You fall to a Rick like that, you get NO POINTS for your Rick. So as soon as they start pulling that crap, I leave the battle and refuse to play them again.

There are no computer generated Ricks populating these levels, so there must be other people logged on for you to play against to level up your Rick. Communication is very limited. I wish I had a partner to play this with, because there is simply no way to ask them why they are doing something, or explain what you are trying to do. For example: Your Rick gets an XP boost after you engaged with another Rick. Even if your opponent left the battle without finishing. (The multiplier is reset when you heal your Mortys at the Healing Center.) So if you had a partner, and wanted to level up quickly, you could initiate a battle, run, and repeat until their multiplier was maxed out. Then they could do the same for you, and then battle. But if I initiate a battle, then run, they will think I am just screwing with them. There is no way to say: "hang on", "wait", "switch your Morty", or "cut that out or I'm leaving"! There is a poop emoji, though. So you let then know how you feel about them after the battle!

You pick three characters from your original game to take with you in to the new game. You cannot bring duplicates. I brought my Original Morty, and I regret it, since his stats are half of what Morticia's got, and you cannot buy level up seeds to compensate. I would recommend bringing Morticia, Cronenburg Morty, and the One True Morty. (You can catch an egg in the Multiplayer, but it takes another 10 eggs level up to OTM. I played one Rick with just a OTM in his party. I didn't get any points for playing him, but the battle was quick, so I let him beat me twice to level up, no skin off my nose.)
Last edit: 7 年 4 个月 � by AllAloneIsAllWeAre.
以下用户感谢了你: Lord Wrinklebottom, Gollygoshgirl

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7 年 4 个月 � #281 BRAnator
This honestly sounds real fun.
But for some reason everytime I try to play it just loads a session for a while. Then it just shows an error message saying "Session timed out.
What do I do?

Would really love to play this. I found all the morty's, so I got nothing els to do on it now.

Thanks very much.

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