There are several important formulas used in Pocket Mortys. We've listed the most useful ones below.

XP Formula

When you defeat a Morty, the amount of XP you gain depends on the following formula:

$$ XP \ Gained = \left \lfloor \frac{Defending \ Morty's \ Base \ XP \times Defending \ Morty's \ Level} {7} \times LevelModifier \times WildModifier \right \rfloor $$

Base XP

See Table


1.0 for Wild Mortys, 1.5 for Trainer Mortys

$$ 0.2 \leq 1.0 - 0.25 \times (Attacking \ Morty's \ Level - Defending \ Morty's \ Level) \leq 1.0 $$
What This Means

You'll get full experience if your Morty is at or below the defending Morty's level. You will suffer a 25% XP reduction for being 1 level higher, 50% for 2, 75% for 3, and finally an 80% XP reduction for 4 or more levels higher than the defending Morty.

Note: If you used 3 Mortys to defeat a defending Morty, then the XP is split 2:1:1 (50% for the Morty that lands the final blow, 25% for the others).

XP Per Trainer Level Formula

The amount of XP required to level up scales with your level:

$$ XP \ For \ Next \ Level = \lfloor Current \ Level ^3 \rfloor $$

What This Means

At level 20, the amount of XP needed to reach the next level is 20 * 20 * 20 = 8,000 XP.

Combination Formula

When you combine two Mortys, the resulting Morty's level is determined by the following formula:

$$ New \ Morty's \ Level = Higher \ Level \ Morty's \ Level + \left \lfloor \frac{Lower \ Level \ Morty's \ Level}{2} \right \rfloor $$
What This Means

Take half of your Lower-level Morty's level (rounded down to the nearest whole number) and subtract it from the level of your higher-level Morty.

Ex: Combining a level 20 and level 15 Morty will result in a level 27 Morty. 20 + (15/2) = 20 + 7 = 27

HP Formula

$$ HP = \left \lfloor \left ( \ Base \ HP + HP \ IV + \left \lfloor \frac{ \sqrt{HP \ EV} }{4} \right \rfloor + 50 \right ) \times \frac{Morty \ Level}{50} \right \rfloor + 10 $$
What This Means

Ex: A level 39 The One True Morty with an HP Initial Value (IV) of 5 and an HP Effort Value of 65535 would have floor((110+5+floor(ceil(sqrt(65535))/4)+50)*(39/50)+10) = 187 HP.

HP Effort Value (EV) Formula

$$ HP \ EV = \min (65535, Current \ HP \ EV \ Value + Defeated \ Morty \ Base \ HP) $$
What This Means

Ex: A Morty can have up to 65535 HP EV, and HP EV increases every time you defeat a wild Morty by that Morty's Base HP.

Attack Formula

$$ Attack = \left \lfloor \left ( \ Base \ Attack + Attack \ IV + \left \lfloor \frac{ \sqrt{Attack \ EV} }{4} \right \rfloor \right ) \times \frac{Morty \ Level}{50} \right \rfloor + 5 $$
What This Means

Ex: A level 39 The One True Morty with an Attack Initial Value (IV) of 8 and an Attack Effort Value of 65535 would have floor((110+8+floor(ceil(sqrt(65535))/4))*(39/50)+5) = 146 Attack.

Attack Effort Value (EV) Formula

$$ Attack \ EV = \min (65535, Current \ Attack \ EV \ Value + Defeated \ Morty \ Base \ Attack) $$
What This Means

Ex: A Morty can have up to 65535 Attack EV, and Attack EV increases every time you defeat a wild Morty by that Morty's Base Attack.

Defense Formula

$$ Defense = \left \lfloor \left ( \ Base \ Defense + Defense \ IV + \left \lfloor \frac{ \sqrt{Defense \ EV} }{4} \right \rfloor \right ) \times \frac{Morty \ Level}{50} \right \rfloor + 5 $$
What This Means

Ex: A level 39 The One True Morty with a Defense Initial Value (IV) of 5 and a Defense Effort Value of 65535 would have floor((110+5+floor(ceil(sqrt(65535))/4))*(39/50)+5) = 144 Defense.

Defense Effort Value (EV) Formula

$$ Defense \ EV = \min (65535, Current \ Defense \ EV \ Value + Defeated \ Morty \ Base \ Defense) $$
What This Means

Ex: A Morty can have up to 65535 Defense EV, and Defense EV increases every time you defeat a wild Morty by that Morty's Base Defense.

Speed Formula

$$ Speed = \left \lfloor \left ( \ Base \ Speed + Speed \ IV + \left \lfloor \frac{ \sqrt{Speed \ EV} }{4} \right \rfloor \right ) \times \frac{Morty \ Level}{50} \right \rfloor + 5 $$
What This Means

Ex: A level 39 The One True Morty with a Speed Initial Value (IV) of 3 and a Speed Effort Value of 65535 would have floor((110+3+floor(ceil(sqrt(65535))/4))*(39/50)+5) = 142 Speed.

Speed Effort Value (EV) Formula

$$ Speed \ EV = \min (65535, Current \ Speed \ EV \ Value + Defeated \ Morty \ Base \ Speed) $$
What This Means

Ex: A Morty can have up to 65535 Speed EV, and Speed EV increases every time you defeat a wild Morty by that Morty's Base Speed.

Disobedience Formula

$$ Maximum \ Obedient \ Morty \ Level = \left \lfloor \left(\frac{41}{24}\right)\times \ Your \ Trainer \ Level + \left(\frac{199}{24} \right) \right \rceil $$ $$ Minimum \ Trainer \ Level = \left \lfloor \left(\frac{24}{41}\right)\times \ Your \ Morty's \ Level + \left(\frac{199}{41} \right) \right \rceil $$
What This Means

If you level your Morty too far ahead of your trainer level, it will start to disobey you until you level up your trainer level. The formula gives how far ahead your Morty levels are allowed to still be obedient.

So for example, at trainer level 5, the maximum Morty level that will still obey you is 17, at trainer level 6 the maximum Morty level is 19, and so on.

Bootcamp XP Formula

Level 10+ Bootcamp
$$ XP \ Gain = 350 + \ rand \left( -15 \ , \ 15 \right) $$
Level 25+ Bootcamp
$$ XP \ Gain = 2,000 + \ rand \left( -100 \ , \ 100 \right) $$
Level 50+ Bootcamp
$$ XP \ Gain = 7,000 + \ rand \left( -300 \ , \ 300 \right) $$
What This Means

The Level 10+ bootcamp will give a random amount of XP between 335 and 365 XP, the level 25+ bootcamp will give a random amount of XP between 1,900 and 2,100 XP, and the level 50+ bootcamp will give a random amount of XP between 6,700 and 7,300 XP.

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The disobedience formula is more like "Maximum Obedient Morty Level = 2× Your Trainer Level" at player level 30 and above.

Quoting hckpr:

The disobedience formula is more like "Maximum Obedient Morty Level = 2× Your Trainer Level" at player level 30 and above.

Updated with more accurate disobedience formula
most people just look at Club Rick to tel them the level to go to.
the formula is non-linear, seems to curve around lvl 50. also the exp in ur exp bar counts, so lvl 49 controls a 92, but lvl 49.9 controls a 93
Algorithm for disobedience is incorrect, I turned lvl 34 and my lvl 67 mortys disobeyed until I got halfway to 35. According to the Algorithm on this site, 68s should listen to me when I turned 34.

Quoting John0712:

Algorithm for disobedience is incorrect, I turned lvl 34 and my lvl 67 mortys disobeyed until I got halfway to 35. According to the Algorithm on this site, 68s should listen to me when I turned 34.

Updated with more accurate disobedience formula

Quoting Hayward:

Quoting John0712:

Algorithm for disobedience is incorrect, I turned lvl 34 and my lvl 67 mortys disobeyed until I got halfway to 35. According to the Algorithm on this site, 68s should listen to me when I turned 34.

Updated with more accurate disobedience formula

Checks out, thanks!

Quoting John0712:

Algorithm for disobedience is incorrect, I turned lvl 34 and my lvl 67 mortys disobeyed until I got halfway to 35. According to the Algorithm on this site, 68s should listen to me when I turned 34.

I always went by (Trainer level x 2) - 1 and sometimes - 2 or even - 3 the more I leveled up. The point is be conservative about this and always max out your Morty's EV points (seed your Mortys, pair them with a lower-level Mortys and daze like 1200+ Mortys in a single level to catch-up your Morty to their highest possible stats...mind you, it only works for one level).
Thank you
What are the attack/def/speed seed place in all this? Does is it have the same effect of levelling up ev? And if i have a lvl100 morty without his EV farmed, can i use seeds to compensate? and is there any downside to using seeds?
why does my morty did not obey me any more? I was level 36 and my morty is level 72. Now i am level 37 and i still can´t use them anymore
Thank you!!
But.. what about damage calculation formula?
This is still WAY confusing. I JUST WANNA BE ABLE TO CALCULATE IV. How tf do I know what the (att/def/spd) ev is if I haven't leveled him up yet? Like, how do I know what value to use for that? And wtf is "min(65536, [...]"??
I don’t purely understand the attack formula. Here are the stats of my Morty... how much damage would it do?
Lvl 100 Cronenberg Morty
1203 Attack
What would the damage be using mangle (130 power)?
Are there Iv Formulas?
For EV training is worth to kill christmas mortys?
Once again my XP was erased due to Meeseex failure to perform after watching the Comercial.
ready to quit